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McSweeney's Issue 20 (McSweeney's Quarterly Concern)
Every fourth page is aA full-color figurative painting, each one by an excellent artist.A The other pages have fiction on them, with only one color but lots of wordsA including punched, pants, and Puerto — that's actually just the first
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Steven Erikson House of Chains (The Malazan Book of the Fallen, Book 4)
In Northern Genabackis, a raiding party of savage tribal warriors descends from the mountains into the southern flatlands. Their intention is to wreak havoc amongst the despised lowlanders, but for the one named Karsa Orlong, it marks the beginning
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Moveable Margins: The Shifting Spaces in Canadian Literature
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The Cambridge Companion to Baudelaire (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
In this Companion, essays by outstanding scholars illuminate Charles Baudelaire's writing for the lay reader and specialist. In addition to a survey of his life and a study of his social context, the volume includes essays on his verse and prose,
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