Debra Marquart

The Horizontal World: Growing Up Wild in the Middle of Nowhere: a Memoir

In the tradition of John McPhee and Kathleen Norris, a wry, moving memoir about a family farm, a father, and a daughter, and why it's so hard to go home again Debra Marquart grew up on a family farm in rural North Dakota-on land her family had ...

Franklin S. Odo

No Sword To Bury: Japanese Americans In Hawai'i During World War Ii (Asian American History and Culture)

When bombs rained down on Pearl Harbor in 1941, Japanese American college students were among the many young men enrolled in ROTC and immediately called upon to defend the Hawaiian islands against invasion. In a few weeks, however, the military ...

Sophie Kinsella

Shopaholic & Sister

Sophie Kinsella has conquered the hearts of millions with her New York Times bestselling Shopaholic novels, which feature the irresistible one-woman shopping phenomenon Becky Bloomwood. Now Becky’s back in a hilarious, heartwarming tale of ...

Morag Joss

Half Broken Things

A gripping tale of psychological suspense perfect for the readership of Minette Walters and Ruth Rendell, Half Broken Things is a novel that peers into the lives of three dangerously lost people…and the ominous haven they find when they ...

<<<  William Shakespeare. Hamlet (Arden Shakespeare: Third Series)             Patrice Farameh. Cool Spots: Miami/ South Beach >>>

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