Thomas Sowell

Basic Economics: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy

This completely revised and updated third edition of Thomas Sowell's instrumental work includes a new chapter on government finance. Basic Economics is a citizen's guide to economics--for those who want to understand how the economy works ...

Isobel Crombie

Light Sensitive: Contemporary Australian Photography from the Loti Smorgon Fund

Features Australian photographers who continue to carve out a special niche for themselves on the world lens, developing new traditions and evolving forms of expression. Many of the young photographers represented here cast their eyes, like modern ...

Paul M., Ph.D. Pedersen, Kimberly S., Ph.D. Miloch, Pamela C., Ph.D. Laucella

Strategic Sport Communication

Strategic Sport Communication is the first text that encompasses the vast, varied, and exciting field of sport communication. Using communication theory and sport literature, and drawing on the authors' own rich experiences as sport ...

Arthur Berger

Ads, Fads, and Consumer Culture: Advertising's Impact on American Character and Society

Now in its third edition, the popular Ads, Fads, and Consumer Culture is an engaging cultural studies critique of advertising and its impacts on American society. Arthur Asa Berger looks at marketing strategies, sex and advertising, consumer ...

<<<  Stephen McCauley. Alternatives to Sex: A Novel             Е. С. Турмачев. Национальный инвестиционный ... >>>

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