James T. Farrell

James T Farrell: Studs Lonigan a Trilogy (Library of America)

Book Description An unparalleled example of American naturalism, the Studs Lonigan trilogy follows the hopes and dissipations of its remarkable main character?a would-be "tough guy" and archetypal adolescent, born to Irish-American parents on ...

R. L. LA Fevers

Lowthar's Blade Trilogy, Book 1: The Forging of the Blade

Book DescriptionWritten for young fantasy lovers who can't yet tackle Lloyd Alexander's The Chronicles of Prydain or Susan Cooper's The Dark Is Rising series on their own, The Forging of the Blade introduces Kenric, who stumbles into danger when ...

Keith Harrelson

Fairytails: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs : Dog-Eared Renditions of the Classics (Fairytails)

Book DescriptionSnow White, the fluffy golden retriever finds safe harbor with seven funny puppies. When Snow White bites into a poisoned apple and falls into a swoon, she is awakened by a handsome mastiff to live happily ever after. ...

David Robinson

An Expat's Life, Luxembourg & The White Rose : Part of an Englishman Living Abroad Series

Book Description An Expat's Life, Luxembourg & The White Rose is a refreshing and forthright take on the Englishman Abroad genre. Reading David Robinson's relaxed prose is like sitting down for a drink or two with the author in the pub of the ...

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