Sticker Sparkle : Sticker Sparkle (Boohbah)

The Boohbahs are five sparkling atoms of energy that are powered by the laughter of children and travel the world on a ribbon of rainbow light, in their glowing white Boohball. This imaginative new TV show invites children to engage in "What if ...

Elizabeth Hay

Garbo Laughs

Book DescriptionFrom the award-winning author of A Student of Weather , a funny, sad-eyed novel about a woman caught between real love and movie love--and real love doesn't stand a chance. This is a novel about movie love. Set in Ottawa ...

Algorithmic Number Theory : 6th International Symposium, ANTS-VI, Burlington, VT, USA, June 13-18, 2004, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

Book DescriptionThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, ANTS 2004, held in Burlington, VT, USA, in June 2004. The 30 revised full papers presented together with 3 invited papers ...

Susan Cooper

The Magician's Boy

Book Description A Boy works for a Magician. The Boy polishes the Magician's wands, and catches the rabbits that the Magician pulls out of hats. But the Boy's favorite job is operating the puppets for the Magician's ...

<<<  Bruce Semon. An Extraordinary Power to Heal             Advances In Uml And Xml-based Software Evolution. Book DescriptionAdvances ... >>>

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