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De Villiers Family Peekaboo, I Love You (Seedling: Growing with God)
Book DescriptionPeek-a-Boo, Where Are You? When a soft and furry kitten comes to live with him, Seedling is thrilled. But his excited squeezes frighten the kitten into hiding, so Seedling searches through the house for his beloved pet,
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The EDCF Guide to Digital Cinema Production
Book DescriptionA professional introduction to the end-to-end process of digital filmmaking! The EDCF Guide to Digital Cinema Production sheds light on the ongoing and confusing transition from analog to digital tehcnology in film production.
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Visual Culture and Tourism
Book Description From postcards and paintings to photography and film, tourism and visual culture have a long-standing history of mutual entanglement. For centuries art has inspired many an intrepid traveller, and tourism provides an insatiable
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Ravi Singavarapu Sonia Gandhi Through a Different Lens
Book DescriptionIt is a fascinating book about a fascinating personality written in a fascinating fashion. That sums it all. Sir Dr. Ravi Singavarapu has succeeded in weaving magic with his pen. He brings out the interesting aspects of Sonia
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