Prevention and Treatment of Ischemic Stroke (Blue Books of Practical Neurology)

Book DescriptionProvides truly practical evidence and advice to provide to the multitude of clinicians who care for patients with stroke. It is the most up to date and authoritative clinical text on both prevention (includes Epidemiology) and ...

Darcy Pattison

The Journey of Oliver K. Woodman

Book Description Have you seen Oliver K. Woodman? You'd know if you had--he's made of wood. And he's on a spectacular cross-country journey. Folks of all sorts guide Oliver along the way and report back in letters and postcards to his ...

Dave Hunter

Guitar Rigs: Classic Guitar and Amp Combinations

Book DescriptionThis unique guide examines the classic combinations of guitars, amps, and pedals used to create the most unforgettable sounds in pop, rock, and blues music. Dissecting a wide range of setups, the book pinpoints specific elements that ...

Emma Harrison

Slipping Away (Everwood)

Book Description As if being a senior, getting ridiculed by Amy's friends, and stressing about whether he's going to get into Juilliard aren't enough, right before break Ephram Brown's dad drops a bomb on him: They're not staying in Everwood for ...

<<<  Doug Hennig, Rick Schummer, Jim Slater, ...             Harinder Singh Jagdev. Strategic Decision Making ... >>>

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