The Lost World of Mitchell and Kenyon: Edwardian Britain on Film

Book DescriptionThe discovery of the Peter Worden Mitchell and Kenyon collection-a trove of 800 films-has been described as film's equivalent of the discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb. The extraordinary "actuality footage" contained in the collection ...

Diane M. Parker

Reflections On A Life With Diabetes: A Memoir In Many Voices

Book DescriptionIn this candid anthology, the authors take you on a tour of their experiences living with diabetes. This is not a technical or scientific book but one that exposes the tender emotions of living with this chronic disease. There is ...

Acton Figueroa

Thunderbirds: Trouble on Tracy Island (Thunderbirds)

When a submarine surfaces near International Rescue's hideaway, Tracy Island, Alan Tracy's family is away on a mission. Soon all the other adults on the island have been taken prisoner, and The Hood and his evil followers are pursuing Alan and ...

Ellen Fein

Not Just a Patient: How to Have a Life When You Have a Life-Threatening Disease

Book DescriptionNot Just a Patient is a handbook for people coping with the challenges of a life-threatening illness. Born out of the author's first-hand experiences, this is a fresh take on how you can get medical care and still have a life as a ...

<<<  Professor Huxley. English Men Of Letters: ...             Harinder Singh Jagdev. Strategic Decision Making ... >>>

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