Leonardo Sciascia

The Day of the Owl (New York Review Books Classics)

Book DescriptionA dark-suited man is shot dead as he runs for a bus in the piazza of a small town. The investigating officer suspects the mafia, and soon finds himself up against a wall of silence and vested interests. As he uncovers a chain of ...

Jay Blakesberg

Between the Dark and Light : The Grateful Dead Photography of Jay Blakesberg

Book DescriptionBetween the Dark and Light presents an astonishing array of images that capture the musical, cultural, and personal magic of the Grateful Dead. This acclaimed book showcases more than 900 photos that bring the Grateful Dead ...

Anna Shoulgat

In Hollywood with Nemirovich-Danchenko 1926-1927: The Memoirs of Sergei Bertensson : The Memoirs of Sergei Bertensson (Studies and Documentation in the History of Popular Entertainment, No. 6.)

Book DescriptionBertensson's observations of life in Hollywood on the eve of the talkies revolution provide us with a compelling snapshot of movie history in the making, seen from the unusual perspective of an outsider. ...

Don Colbert

The Bible Cure for Headaches: Ancient Truths, Natural Remedies and the Latest Findings for Your Health Today (Bible Cure (Oasis Audio))

Book DescriptionBestselling BibleCure series from Dr. Don Colbert. ...

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