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Joseph R. Fornieri Abraham Lincoln's Political Faith
Book DescriptionAt Gettysburg Lincoln resolved that "this nation, under God," would not perish, and in his Second Inaugural he called for "firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right." How are we to understand these and other invocations
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Walter Adams The Test
Book DescriptionWorld renowned economist and president of Michigan State University, Walter Adams first published The Test in 1971, a year after his tenure as president ended. Adams recounts the tumlutuous nine months of his office. As the first
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Linda McK. Stewart 25 Months: A Memoir
Book DescriptionJack Stewart was a longtime editor at the New York Times. Linda was the U.S. representative of a French publishing consortium. Theirs was a marriage graced with good luck, a union from which each drew strength and joy in equal
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ICON Health Pub. The Official Patient's Sourcebook On Otosclerosis: Directory For The Internet Age
Book DescriptionThis is a "must have" reference book for patients, parents, caregivers, and libraries with medical collections. This sourcebook is organized into three parts. Part I explores basic techniques to researching otosclerosis (e.g. finding
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