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Digital Economy and Social Design
Book DescriptionThe advent of the digital economy has the potential to dramatically change the conventional interrelationships among individuals, enterprises and society. There can be little doubt that to achieve vigorous socioeconomic developments
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Omoviekovwa A., Ph.D. Nakireru The Fighter Pilot Who Refused to Die: The Authorized Biography of Lt. Col. (Ret) Richard Suehr
Book Description The Fighter Pilot Who Refused To Die, The Authorized Biography of The Lt. Col. (Ret) Richard Suehr . This is the story of a fighter pilot who crashed his plane twice during combat missions in World War ll. In his first crash
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Arthur Winter MD A Pain In The Neck : The Latest Information on Causes, Therapies, Prevention
Book DescriptionA pain in the neck is a common but often medically ignored problem. You no longer need to suffer in silence. This book provides information about such neck-related problems as: Head Turning Pain Whiplash
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Rachelle Zukerman Eldercare for Dummies
Book DescriptionCope with legal, financial, and medical issues Minimize anxiety and stress and make the later years golden Need help caring for an elderly loved one? This sensitive, reassuring guide provides strategies for assessing
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