Thomas Nikolai

The Superintendent's Guide to Controlling Putting Green Speed

Book DescriptionLet renowned expert Thomas Nikolai bring you up to speed on establishing and maintaining the best green speeds for your course. He covers it all: playability, environmental and weather factors, mowing, turfgrass species selection... ...

Roger H. Clark

Precedents in Architecture : Analytic Diagrams, Formative Ideas, and Partis

Book DescriptionA revision of the architectural classic on design analysis Precedents in Architecture, Third Edition provides a vocabulary for architectural analysis that illuminates the works of leading architects and aids architects and ...

Vukan R. Vuchic

Urban Transit : Operations, Planning and Economics

Book DescriptionThe only modern text to cover all aspects of urban transit operations, planning, and economics Global in scope, up-to-date with current practice, and written by an internationally renowned expert, Urban Transit: Operations, ...

Shane O'Halloran

Green Trees

Colm was a stereotypical ordinary guy from Limerick who moved to Dublin and became a vampire ... not that he had intended to do so, but sometimes life has a funny way of working out. Was it his fate to become this thing that he is today ... or was ...

<<<  Fantasy Annual 5. Book DescriptionHere is another ...             Harinder Singh Jagdev. Strategic Decision Making ... >>>

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