Jill D. Sweet

Dances of the Tewa Pueblo Indians: Expressions of New Life

Book DescriptionGreat changes have swept the world of the Tewas since 1985, when the first edition of this book appeared, including changes in relationships among Indian communities, the anthropologists who wish to study them, and the non-Indian ...

Barry Wind

Old Master Drawings : From Master Collections

Book DescriptionPublished for the exhibition "Old Master Drawings from Area Collections" held in the Milwaukee Art Museum, this book is a critique of this collection, identifying strengths and weaknesses. ...

Bryan Lawson

What Designers Know, First Edition

Book DescriptionEach chapter deals with a different technique from which we can best represent and make explicit the forms of knowledge used by designers. The book explores whether design knowledge is special, and attempts to get to the root of ...

Habib Hassan Touma

The Music of the Arabs

Book DescriptionEncompassing a history of more than 2000 years, the music of the Arabs is unique among the world's various musical cultures. This book presents an overview of Arabic music throughout history and examines the artistic output of ...

<<<  Bikram Grewal. A Photographic Guide to the Birds of India ...             Harinder Singh Jagdev. Strategic Decision Making ... >>>

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