Tom Tierney

Italian and Spanish Fashion Designers Paper Dolls

Book Description Thirty-one innovative leaders of haute couture are spotlighted in this collection of stylish ensembles from Spain and Italy. Two dolls model the chic, witty, and elegant creations of Schiaparelli, Balenciaga, Galliano, Adolfo, ...

Arden Reed

Manet, Flaubert, and the Emergence of Modernism : Blurring Genre Boundaries (Cambridge Studies in New Art History and Criticism)

Book DescriptionThis study combines art history and literary criticism in a joint study of the canonical "fathers" of modernism. Arden Reed argues that modernism is a matter of genre blending, hybridization and movements between text and image. ...

Franc Chamberlain

Michael Chekhov (Routledge Performance Practitioners)

Book DescriptionMichael Chekhov was Stanislavsky's star student and a master acting teacher. Exiled from Soviet Russia, he made his way to England and then to the United States, spending his last years as an actor and acting teacher in Hollywood. ...

Barbara Cady

Icons : 200 Men and Women Who Have Made a Difference

Book DescriptionThis dramatic record of the key figures of the 20th Century is a powerful and provocative look at the giants of our time--the groundbreakers, thought-provokers, heroes, visionaries, tyrants, trendsetters, and style-makers who have ...

<<<  Gemma Guasch. Color (Creative Painting Series)             Harinder Singh Jagdev. Strategic Decision Making ... >>>

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