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The Art of Crime: The Plays and Films of Harold Pinter and David Mamet (Studies in Modern Drama)
Book DescriptionThis collection of 15 original essays, assembled by renowned Mamet and Pinter scholar Leslie Kane, examines the pervasiveness of crime and criminality in the plays and screenplays of two of the most influential contemporary
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Giuseppe Pino Jazz My Love
Book Description "Americans don't have many art forms that are truly American. Most of them come from Europe or wherever. Jazz and Westerns are the only two I can think of which are American art forms."-Clint Eastwood The best possible
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Walter Niedermayr Walter Niedermayr: Raumfolgen 1991-2001
Book DescriptionKnown for his alpine landscapes, Walter Niedermayr here turns to a different subject: hospital interiors. Starting in the main lobby and moving throughout the entire institution, via waiting rooms, operating chambers, nursery wards,
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Anne Taintor Wow! I Get to Give Birth And Change Diapers: Photographs (Tainted Ladies)
Book DescriptionCelebrate the pleasures of being bad in a good girl's world with this photo album, which holds 48 of your favorite photos.
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