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Human Rights and the Moral Responsibilities of Corporate and Public Sector Organisations (Issues in Business Ethics)
Book DescriptionAll students and advocates of human rights will be interested in this concerted exploration of the human rights moral obligations that fall, not directly on states, but on private and public organisations. Such an approach to human
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State Of World Fisheries And Aquaculture 2004
Book DescriptionThis annual report provides an overview of developments in world fisheries and aquaculture, a review of issues confronting fishers and fish farmers, and a presentation of seven in-depth studies undertaken by FAO. The report concludes
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Louie Larimer The Ethical Indicator: Packet of 5
Book DescriptionHow do you resolve the ethical and moral dilemmas that arise in your life? Can you identify, articulate and defend the ethical principles that govern and influence your ethical and moral decision-making? What ethical type are you?
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Mats Larsson The Limits of Business Development and Economic Growth : Why Business Will Need to Invest Less in the Future
Book Description There are limits to business development and economic growth. With the help of modern production and information technologies, companies are coming ever closer to the limits of what can be achieved but ultimately nothing can be
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