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Joseph J. Martocchio Employee Benefits
Book DescriptionJoseph Martocchio's Employee Benefits: A Primer for Human Resource Professionals was written to promote a fuller understanding of employee benefits programs among students enrolled in college-level compensation and benefits course.
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Sheryl A., Ph.D. Larson Staff Recruitment, Retention, & Training Strategies For Community Human Services Organizations
Book DescriptionRecruitment, retention, and training?the three most challenging issues facing community human services organizations. Now supervisors, managers, and administrators have a practical guidebook for facing these challenges and
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Jon M. Werner Human Resource Development
Book Description HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT is a comprehensive text for undergraduate and graduate courses that prepare students to train and develop people. As such, the book covers the entire field of HRD (as defined by the American Society for
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David A. Gurwin Information Technology Consulting and Other Professional Services Agreements Line by Line: A Detailed Look at How to Change Them to Fit Your Needs (Line By Line)
Book DescriptionOne of the most common types of agreements utilized by professionals in the information technology industry is the Professional Services Agreement, also often referred to as a Consulting Services Agreement or Master Services
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На главную
Майкоп, Уфа, Владимир, Саратов, Новотроицк, Шахты, Химки, Чебоксары, Киселёвск, Орск,
Остер, Григорий| История России XVII - начала ХХ вв.| Исторические боевики| Индийские видеоклипы| Молодежные приключения| Экранизации остросюжетной литературы| Бои без правил| Социология| Музыка| Общие вопросы права| Приключения (Adventures)| Игры, праздники, развлечения для детей| Кулинария|
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