Allan DeSerpa

Economics and the Common Law : Cases and Analysis

Book Description Designed more to complement an existing text on the subject of Law & Economics, this casebook has more complete cases than the leading texts. Brief sections follow the cases in order to highlight the key points of economic ...

Udo Sautter

Three Cheers for the Unemployed : Government and Unemployment before the New Deal

Book DescriptionThis book demonstrates that the unemployment measures of the New Deal emanated from the reformist endeavors of the Progressive Age. ...

Economic Report on Africa 2004: Unlocking Africa's Trade Potential

Book DescriptionThe Economic Report on Africa is an annual series that reviews the continent?s economic performance and near-term prospects. This year?s report?s main conclusion is that trade liberalization alone will not boost growth ...

William J. Carney

Corporate Finance: Principles and Practice (University Casebook Series) (University Casebook Series)

Book Description"Corporate Finance: Principles and Practice" is a new legal education casebook, written to provide students with a thorough understanding of finance law. ...

<<<  World Bank. Little Data Book 2004 (Little Data Book)             Джесси М. Торрес. Сценарии администрирования Microsoft ... >>>

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