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World Bank World Development Report 2004: Making Services Work for Poor People
Book DescriptionThe World Development Report 2004 provides a practical framework for making the services that contribute to human development work for poor people. With this framework, citizens, governments, and donors can take action and accelerate
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Masood Ahmad Water Resource Development in Northern Afghanistan and Its Implications for Amu Darya Basin (World Bank Working Papers) (World Bank Working Papers)
Book DescriptionWater Resource Development in Northern Afghanistan and its Implications for Amu Darya Basin is part of the World Bank Working Paper series. These papers are published to communicate the results of the Bank?s ongoing research and
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Geoffrey Burch The Way of the Dog : The Art of Making Success Inevitable
Book DescriptionThe Way of the Dog is a self-help classic. It tells the story of failed salesman, Derek Stubbins, who wanders into a brothers Grimm nightmare and gets turned into a dog. He has to learn the way of the dog to get by. He has to develop
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Colin C. Williams Cash-in-Hand Work : The Underground Sector and the Hidden Economy of Favours
Book Description Uncovering how cash-in-hand economies are composed of not only the underground sector (work akin to formal employment conducted for profit-motivated purposes), but also a hidden economy of favors more akin to mutual aid, this
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