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Lin Padgham, Michael Winikoff Developing Intelligent Agent Systems : A Practical Guide (Wiley Series in Agent Technology)
Build your own intelligent agent system… Intelligent agent technology is a tool of modern computer science that can be used to engineer complex computer programmes that behave rationally in dynamic and changing environments.
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Roger Kerr, E. Szelke Artificial Intelligence in Reactive Scheduling
This volume encompasses state-of-the-art developments in AI-based reactive scheduling for real-time operation management in manufacturing shop floors. It is a collection of papers from the Second International Workshop of the IFIP Working Group 5.7
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Wooi Ming Tan Developing USB PC Peripherals
A step-by-step guide to developing USB devices with USB v 1.1., this book provides easy-to-understand instructions for creating a USB device using the Intel 8x930Ax USB Microcontroller Evaluation Kit.
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Wolfgang Engel ShaderX3: Advanced Rendering with DirectX and OpenGL
In the past few years, DirectX and graphics cards have rapidly improved, providing a more powerful and flexible rendering pipeline. With all of these advancements, vertex and pixel shaders are becoming widely used in high end graphics and game
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