Lin Padgham, Michael Winikoff

Developing Intelligent Agent Systems : A Practical Guide (Wiley Series in Agent Technology)

Build your own intelligent agent system… Intelligent agent technology is a tool of modern computer science that can be used to engineer complex computer programmes that behave rationally in dynamic and changing environments. ...

Roger Kerr, E. Szelke

Artificial Intelligence in Reactive Scheduling

This volume encompasses state-of-the-art developments in AI-based reactive scheduling for real-time operation management in manufacturing shop floors. It is a collection of papers from the Second International Workshop of the IFIP Working Group 5.7 ...

Wooi Ming Tan

Developing USB PC Peripherals

A step-by-step guide to developing USB devices with USB v 1.1., this book provides easy-to-understand instructions for creating a USB device using the Intel 8x930Ax USB Microcontroller Evaluation Kit. ...

Wolfgang Engel

ShaderX3: Advanced Rendering with DirectX and OpenGL

In the past few years, DirectX and graphics cards have rapidly improved, providing a more powerful and flexible rendering pipeline. With all of these advancements, vertex and pixel shaders are becoming widely used in high end graphics and game ...

<<<  E. Reed Doke. Object Oriented Application Development Using ...             Debra S. Isaac, Michael J. Isaac. The ... >>>

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