Course Technology, Course Technology

Course ILT: Upgrading to Microsoft Office 2000

An affordable, easily scannable one-day training guide designed for use in instructor-led training courses. ...

Scot Ober, Jack E Johnson, Arlene Zimmerly

Gregg College Keyboarding & Document Processing (GDP), Lessons 61-120, Kit 2, Word 2000

Gregg College Keyboarding and Document Processing, 9e by Ober et al is an industry leader that provides a highly flexible format on CD-ROM that will work with your current computer setup. New content reflecting changing technology and workplace ...

Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso, Paul D. Kimmel

Peachtree Complete Accounting Release 2002 to accompany Accounting Principles, 6E

The most complete guide available to help professionals sharpen their accounting and business skills. This unique reference features a logically structured framework that details accounting practices step-by-step, as well as all the newest ...

Deborah Hinkle, Deborah Hinkle

Microsoft Office Word 2003: A Professional Approach, Specialist Student Edition w/ CD-ROM

McGraw-Hill Technology Education’s Professional Approach Series presents exercises in real-life business situations so students get hands-on experience working on actual projects--the best way to prepare them for the on-the-job challenges ...

<<<  Josh Ulm, Garo Green. Advanced Flash 5: Introduction ...             Debra S. Isaac, Michael J. Isaac. The ... >>>

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