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Torsten H. Nilson Customize the Brand : Make it more desirable and profitable
Marketing based on averages brings average results. This is not good enough in today’s intensely competitive environment. Most companies have the potential for delivering a more powerful and relevant brand proposition. Yet it rarely
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Matt Haig The B2B E-commerce Handbook
The rapid development of B2B e-marketing shows that the Internet is not just a new place to do business but constitutes a whole new method and model for commerce. Compared to the unpredictability of the B2C sector, B2B has emerged as the most solid
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Arch G. Woodside Training Exercises for Improving Sensemaking Skills - With Solutions
Hardbound. This book deals with the process of improving our sensemaking capabilities into how to: scan environments actively to gather data that is relevant to pressing issues; interpret usefully what we see — including recognizing and
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CIM Coursebook 02/03 Marketing Operations
Butterworth-Heinemann's 2002-2003 CIM Coursebook series offers you the complete package for exam success. Comprising the fully updated coursebook texts and free online access to the MarketingOnline learning interface, it offers everything you need
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