Daniel Jennings, Joseph Boyce

Information Assurance

Written by two INFOSEC experts, this book provides a systematic and practical approach for establishing, managing and operating a comprehensive Information Assurance program. It is designed to provide ISSO managers, security managers, and INFOSEC ...

William A. Cohen

Model Business Plans for Product Businesses

Everything you need to write a complete, custom-designed business plan—and save yourself thousands of dollars Smart entrepreneurs know that a clear, well-written business plan is absolutely essential to any new venture: it guides your ...

Shouhong Wang, Earle P. Charlton

Analyzing Business Information Systems: An Object-Oriented Approach

Analyzing Business Information Systems provides a comprehensive object-oriented domain analysis of business information systems. It develops generic object-oriented platforms for business data processing and management information systems; business ...

D.H.,Ph.D Stamatis

Advanced Quality Planning: A Commonsense Guide to Aqp and Apqp (Productivity's Shopfloor)

This is the first book dedicated to explaining the total advanced quality planning process with clarity and detail, especially as it pertains to the "Big Three's" standardized approach. Advanced Quality Planning: A Commonsense Guide to AQP and ...

<<<  Paul E. Harris. Planning Using Primavera SureTrak Project ...             Stephen E Lucas. The Art of Public Speaking, Media Enhanced Edition with ... >>>

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