Layth C. Alwan

Statistical Process Analysis

This text presents a comprehensive treatment of statistical process control methods; including unique modern data analysis techniques. Dr. Alwan is a leading figure in this discipline, he has written several papers on the subject and is seen as a ...

W. Grant Ireson, Clyde F. Coombs, Richard Y. Moss

Handbook of Reliability Engineering and Management

Responsible For Reliability? Look No Further! Finally, a working tool that delivers expert guidance on all aspects of product reliability. W. Grant Ireson and Clyde F Coombs, Jr.'s new Second Edition of Handbook of Reliability Engineering and ...

Donna CS. Summers, Donna Summers

Quality (3rd Edition)

This book introduces fundamental quality concepts of statistical process control and the application of these concepts to issues arising in industry. This book covers all aspects of quality from the basics?identifying quality, the evolution ...

George C. Tiao, Søren Bisgaard, William J. Hill, Daniel PeA±a, Stephen M. Stigler

Box on Quality and Discovery: With Design, Control, and Robustness

A collection of masterworks on quality technology from the giant in the field The chapters of this book are from the recent writings of George E. P. Box, an acknowledged world leader in the application and theory of quality methodology to ...

<<<  Teri C. Tompkins. Cases in Management and ...             Stephen E Lucas. The Art of Public Speaking, Media Enhanced Edition with ... >>>

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