Susan Bethanis

Leadership Chronicles of a Corporate Sage : Five Keys to Becoming a More Effective Leader

A recent study by MetrixGlobal LLC discovered that executive coaching produced a 529 percent return on investment and significant intangible benefits to the business. Executive coaching is the secret behind many corporations' success ...

Fisher Howe

The Nonprofit Leadership Team : Building the Board Chair-Executive Director Partnership

The Nonprofit Leadership Team is written for nonprofit executive directors and CEOs, senior staff, board members and nonprofit consultants. It focuses on the key leadership team— the board and its chair and the executive director— ...

John Carver

Planning Better Board Meetings (CarverGuide, Vol. 5)

Examines how to restrict crowded agendas, scattered focuses of discussion, and all the familiar weaknesses of group discipline--and use board energy efficiently and effectively. Tells how to select subject matter for meetings, how to plan use of ...

William G. Zikmund, Raymond McLeod, Faye W. Gilbert

Customer Relationship Management : Integrating Marketing Strategy and Information Technology

Customer relationship management (CRM) is one of the hot topics in marketing and information systems today. Customer relationship management is a business strategy that provides the enterprise with a complete, dependable, and integrated view of its ...

<<<  Mehdi Khosrowpour. Annals of Cases on Information ...             Stephen E Lucas. The Art of Public Speaking, Media Enhanced Edition with ... >>>

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