Richard Dobbins, Stephen F. Witt, John Fielding

Portfolio Theory and Investment Management

Since the first edition of this book was published, significant developments have modified the general view of the efficient market hypothesis. This fully revised second edition provides a major contribution to the study of these developments. The ...

Sunny J. Harris

Trading 102: Getting Down to Business

A complete blueprint for starting and managing a personal trading business. "Without a clear understanding of the correct basics of trading you'll never succeed in this business. Sunny Harris' Trading 102: Getting Down to Business will give ...

Phelim Boyle, George Pennacchi, Peter Ritchken

Advances in Futures and Options Research, Volume 10

Hardbound. ...

Edward I. Altman, Scott A. Nammacher

Investing in Junk Bonds: Inside the High Yield Debt Market

Details the rise and operation of the high yield debt market as illustrated by the "junk" bond. ...

<<<  Jianping Mei, Hsien-Hsing Liao, Prof. Hsien-Hsing Liao. Asset Pricing             Stephen E Lucas. The Art of Public Speaking, Media Enhanced Edition with ... >>>

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