
Routledge French Dictionary of Business, Commerce and Finance = Dictionnaire Anglais Des Affaires, Du Commerce Et De LA Finance: French-English/Englis ... nglais/Anglais-Francais (Routledge Reference)

This dictionary contains some 50,000 headwords in both French and English, including 4,000 abbreviations. Terms are drawn from the whole range of business, finance and banking terminology. Terms are included from over 45 subject areas such as ...

John Dixon, David Newman

Entering the Chinese Market

An unyielding look at the current business environment of contemporary China for the business person considering entering the promising Chinese market. ...

Global Airlines

Global Airlines presents an overview of the changing scene in the airline industry covering current issues of privatization, de-regulation and the emergence of transnational airlines. One of the leading academic authorities on the industry discusses ...

Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges, Barbara Czarniawska

A Tale of Three Cities: Or the Glocalization of City Management

This book examines the effects of globalization at the local level within our everyday lives. Rather than seeing the city as a conurbation, a location of economic activity or in terms of governance and administration, Czarniawska explores the city ...

<<<  Stefano Caselli, Stefano Gatti. Venture Capital: A Euro-System Approach             Stephen E Lucas. The Art of Public Speaking, Media Enhanced Edition with ... >>>

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