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Ian Copsey Integrated Technical Analysis
Integrated Technical Analysis Technical Analysis is usually learned as a series of unconnected and often conflicting techniques. In this groundbreaking book, Ian Copsey demonstrates how a combination of Elliott Wave, cycles and momentum analysis can
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P.C. Kumar Internal Sources of Development Finance
The 1980s have witnessed the mass migration of developing countries and the erstwhile socialist nations to market-based economic systems. The reality is that limited finance has been a formidable barrier to these countries' growth and development.
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Jae K. Shim, Jonathan Lansner 101 Investment Tools for Buying Low & Selling High
More than just an investment dictionary, 101 Investment Tools for Buying Low and Selling High analyzes in a concise style various investment vanes-from stock indexes to measures of affordable housing to leading economic reports.Learn what these
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Stephen A. Gorman The International Equity Commitment
A short while back, I had the opportunity to travel to Asia to interview portfolio managers about that region's financial crisis. The downturn was already more than a year old at the time of my trip, and like many finance professionals from outside
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