William C. Culley

Environmental and Quality Systems Integration

Global competition, corporate downsizing and corporate restructuring have forced many firms to reevaluate their operating methods. Today, corporations must do more with less while still watching the bottom line and improving profitability. ISO 14000 ...

R. L. Ison, David B. Russell, Raymond L. Ison

Agricultural Extension and Rural Development: Breaking Out of Traditions

While traditions are very important to a culture, there is a need to challenge, as well as to respect, those traditions that have given rise to a particular rural research and development system. The authors examine the broad themes of "knowledge ...

Philip K. Y. Young, John J. McAuley

The Portable MBA in Economics (The Portable MBA Series)

This essential addition to the acclaimed Portable MBA Series contains an important group of concepts and skills in order to understand the business environment along with a framework for making business decisions. Demonstrates how to assess economic ...

Marianne A. Ferber, Julie A. Nelson

Feminist Economics Today: Beyond Economic Man

The 1993 publication of Marianne A. Ferber and Julie A. Nelson's Beyond Economic Man was a landmark in both feminist scholarship and the discipline of economics, and it quickly became a handbook for those seeking to explore the emerging ...

<<<  Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964-1968, V. ...             Stephen E Lucas. The Art of Public Speaking, Media Enhanced Edition with ... >>>

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