Gavin Cawthra

Securing South Africa's Democracy: Defense, Development and Security in Transition (International Political Economy Series)

This book examines the defence and security challenges facing the new South Africa in the context of development and nation-building priorities. The transformation of security policy during the transition from apartheid and since the April 1994 ...

Colin Heywood

The Development of the French Economy, 1750-1914 (New Studies in Economic and Social History)

Understanding French economic development in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries has always proved a formidable challenge for historians. This concise survey is designed to make clear the areas of controversy among historians, and to guide the ...

Frank Vibert

Europe Simple, Europe Strong: The Future of European Governance

Europe Simple, Europe Strong urges a radical rethink of the framework for the continent-wide political union now possible and desirable in Europe. It argues that the key to a successful system of government is the way in which it connects two ...

Michael Pinches, Asia Research Centre

Culture and Privilege in Capitalist Asia (The New Rich in Asia Series)

Culture and Privilege in Capitalist Asia shows that the cultural reconfiguration of domestic and international relations around Asia's new rich has often been characterized by tension and division, and by an elevated status for the new rich ...

<<<  David Reisman. Richard Titmuss : Welfare and Society             Stephen E Lucas. The Art of Public Speaking, Media Enhanced Edition with ... >>>

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