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Michael T. Curley, Joseph A. Walker Barron's How to Prepare for the Stockbroker Exam: Series 7 (Barron's How to Prepare for the Stockbroker's Examination. Series 7, 2nd ed)
A 250-question full-length test closely approximates the actual Series 7 Stockbroker Exam, with answers to all questions. Detailed and up-to- date review chapters cover all exam subjects, which include: corporate securities, U.S. Government
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Gil E. Gordon Turn It Off: How to Unplug from the Anytime-Anywhere Office Without Disconnecting Your Career
Having Trouble Finding the Off Switch on Your Laptop? E-mail, cell phones, laptops, personal digital assistants ... they were supposed to liberate us from the workplace, but instead mobile office technology has taken us hostage. For millions
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Jennifer Lawler Dojo Wisdom: 100 Simple Ways to Become a Stronger, Calmer, More Courageous Person
In the hours spent perfecting their skills in the dojo, or training hall, martial artists practice much more than how to master a punch. They also learn essential lessons which help them become stronger, calmer, and more courageous people-and
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The Art of Investigative Interviewing
The Art of Investigative Interviewing, Second Edition , details the techniques that can be used by interviewers in any setting to detect indications of deception and respond to them appropriately. With all-new case studies and a new chapter
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