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Mike Cohn, Jayne Pearl Keep or Sell Your Business : How to Make the Decision Every Private Company Faces
To decide whether it's time to sell or keep your private company, you need to know and understand the options. Family business experts Mike Cohn and Jayne Pearl provide detailed steps for making the best possible decision. The
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John K. Conlon, Melissa Giovagnoli The Power of Two : How Companies of All Sizes Can Build Alliance Networks That Generate Business Opportunities (Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series)
Tap the Power of Alliance Networks Inspired by the so-called virtual corporation, the opportunistic formation of short-term strategic pairings is the chief means by which today?s companies are realizing growth. In The Power of Two, two
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Louis Galambos, Eric John Abrahamson Anytime, Anywhere: Entrepreheurship and the Creation of a Wireless World
Wireless entrepreneurs are transforming the way people live and work around the globe. In the process they have created some of the fastest growing companies on the planet. Anytime, Anywhere tells the story of the birth and explosion of cellular and
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Entrepreneur Press How to Start a Business in West Virginia (Smartstart Series (Entrepreneur Press).)
This series covers the federal, state, and local regulations imposed on small businesses, with concise, friendly and up-to-the-minute advice on each critical step of starting your own business.
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