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John Carver CarverGuide 11: : Board Members as Fund-Raisers, Advisers, and Lobbyists (Carverguide Series on Effective Board Governance, 11)
This guide helps board members understand the board?s involvement in fund-raising. It examines the governance context in which board fund-raising decisions should be made.
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Start Your Own Bed & Breakfast (Entrepreneur Magazine's Start Ups)
Have Your Coffee Cake and Earnings, Too! Do you dream of escaping the rat race by becoming the proprietor of your own bed and breakfast inn? The lure of leaving the 9-to-5 grind behind to live, work and play in a beautiful home nestled in a resort
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Abigail J. Sellen, Richard H. R. Harper The Myth of the Paperless Office
Over the past thirty years, many people have proclaimed the imminent arrival of the paperless office. Yet even the World Wide Web, which allows almost any computer to read and display another computers documents, has increased the amount of printing
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Darlene Collings A Basic Guide to Starting Your Own Medical Billing Business
This book was designed with the person with no knowledge of medical billing, with the basic information. It includes where to submit a request for list of paper submitting providers, sample surveys, brochures, provider super bills, patient
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