Alan Weiss

Great Consulting Challenges : And How to Surmount Them (Ultimate Consultant Series)

Great Consulting Challenges: And How to Surmount Them shows how consultants can use the wisdom gleaned from Weiss's own practice and from other seasoned members of the profession to help overcome persistent problems and next-level challenges. ...

A New Brand of Expertise, How Independent Consultants, Free Agents, and Interim Managers are Transforming the World of Work

A New Brand of Expertise uniquely clarifies the dynamics of the red-hot "free agent" workplace and teaches the new skills and employment strategies independent professionals must master to succeed. In today's quick and turbulent markets, companies ...

Gill Ringland, Gill Ringland

Scenario in Business

As organizations operate in an increasingly complex and often confusing world, they find it even more difficult to plan. In this practical and comprehensive guide Gill Ringland shows how scenario thinking can help organizations think about ...

Marshall Goldsmith, Iain Somerville, Frances Hesselbein, Marshall Goldsmith, Iain Somerville

Leading Beyond the Walls: Wisdom to Action Series

"Beyond the walls is a battle cry that mobilizes . . . The walls that surround us, protect us, and embrace us can also inhibit movement, limit understanding, restrict engagement, and diminish our relevance in the wider world. I realized that my ...

<<<  Cathy A. Costantino, Christina Sickles Merchant. ...             Stephen E Lucas. The Art of Public Speaking, Media Enhanced Edition with ... >>>

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