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Stephen J. Gill The Manager's Pocket Guide to Organizational Learning
Organizational learning requires constant reexamination of one's ideas while engaging in a long-term effort to alter the practices of the organization as a whole. This guide is intended as an easy-to-use reference that will help you identify
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Leigh L. Thompson Making the Team: A Guide for Managers, Second Edition
A perfect blend of theory and practice, Making the Team unites cutting-edge research on groups with practical management principles. The clear, step-by-step approaches offered in this book will prove especially useful for
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Stephen Williams, Lesley Cooper Managing Workplace Stress : A Best Practice Blueprint (CBI Fast Track)
The facts of workplace stress can be terrifying for businesses large and small: it's likely that 100f your workforce report very low levels of satisfaction with both their jobs and the organisation. 200f your staff will report they have suffered
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Harry E. Chambers, Robert Craft No Fear Management: Rebuilding Trust, Performance and Commitment in the New American Workplace
No Fear Management tackles the problem of what the authors dub "Third Reich Management." You'll learn the signs of abusive management styles and how they can not only destroy the morale of a company, but how they can decrease its profits as well.
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