Tian Kang Go

American Commercial Banks in Corporate Finance, 1929-1941 : A Study in Banking Concentrations (Financial Sector of the American Economy)

This book argues with facts and figures that a small group of New York banks, by means of term loans and working in close collaboration with their affiliated life insurance companies, exerted a strong influence over the supply of money and credit, ...

Shoya Zichy

Women and the Leadership Q: Revealing the Four Paths to Influence and Power

Using Leadership Q—a 38-item, self-scoring, gender-neutral test, developed by Shoya Zichy and based upon the work of Carl Jung — women can identify which of the four profile groups best matches their leadership personalities and then ...

Business and the Feminine Principle, The untapped resource

Business and the Feminine Principle: The Untapped Resource describes in lay persons' language the essence of the archetypal feminine and its potential for business. This book shows both women and men how the feminine principle works in human ...

Aspatore Books Staff, InsideTheMinds.com, Vivian Banta, Jennifer Openshaw, Emily Hofstetter, Tiffany Bass Bukow, Patricia Dunn, Kim Fischer

Inside the Minds : Leading Women - CEOs from Barclays, Prudential, Kovair & More on What it Takes to Succeed and Have it All in the 21st Century

Inside the Minds: Leading Women features some of the most accomplished female business executives in the world including CEOs/Founders of companies such as Women's Financial Network, Prudential, Barclays, MsMoney, SiliconSalley, LevelEdge, ...

<<<  Harry Chinchinian. Pathologist In Training: ...             Philip Kotler. Kotler on Marketing: How to Create, Win, and Dominate Markets >>>

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