Amartya Sen, Amartya Kumar Sen

Choice, Welfare and Measurement

In the course of his distinguished career, Amartya K. Sen has scrutinized the foundations of economic theory and analysis. He has brought into sharper focus such concepts as choice, preference, rationality, aggregation, evaluation, and measurement, ...

Eric Lesser

Knowledge and Social Capital: Foundations and Applications

Social capital - the informal networks, trust and common understanding among individuals in an organization - determines major competitive advantages in today's networked economy. Knowledge and Social Capital explains how social capital can drive ...

Laura Ingraham

The Hillary Trap: Looking for Power in All the Wrong Places

Hillary Rodham Clinton has been held up as a role model for all women: a career woman who is also a devoted wife and mother, a pro-family feminist, and a child of the 1960s who embodies her generation's dreams of self-reliance and success. Her heart ...

Todd Sandler

Economic Concepts for the Social Sciences

This book presents an overview and assessment of the conceptual advances in economics during the last century. The book relies heavily on engaging examples, intended to draw in the reader and to demonstrate the far-reaching application of economic ...

<<<  Neil Seitz, Mitch Ellison. Capital Budgeting and Long-Term ...             Philip Kotler. Kotler on Marketing: How to Create, Win, and Dominate Markets >>>

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