Ozay Mehmet

Westernizing the Third World: The Eurocentricity of Economic Development Theories

Westernizing the Third World exposes the dangers inherent in the use of eurocentric development theories and prescriptions. Arguing that both Classical theory and its postwar Neo-Classical theoretical counterparts are fundamentally flawed, the text ...

Ralf Boscheck

Market Drive and Governance: Re-examining the Rules for Economic and Commercial Contest (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy)

This book clarifies, integrates and applies diverse perspectives to salient issues of governance and presents them in an accessible manner. It will be an invaluable contribution to this field. ...

Stephen Knack

Democracy, Governance, and Growth (Economics, Cognition, and Society)

For many decades, underdevelopment in much of the world was blamed variously on capital deficits, exploitation by rich nations, and market-distorting economic policies. The chapters in this volume provide much of the evidence underpinning a ...

Seyoum Hameso

Development, State and Society: Theories and Practice in Contemporary Africa

Development, State and Society is a nuanced overview of economic thought, political formations and social issues applied to Africa. In this thought-provoking book, Seyoum Hameso argues that the promise of development was taken to heart by ...

<<<  William M. Bueler. An Agenda for Sustainability: Fairness ...             Philip Kotler. Kotler on Marketing: How to Create, Win, and Dominate Markets >>>

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