Mark Casson, Andrew Godley, Seep-Conference on Economic Ethics and Philosophy 1998 Marienrode Mon

Cultural Factors in Economic Growth (Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy)

The "culture" debate in economics and economic history has been long-lasting. This volume incorporates contributions of scholars from economics, management studies and international relations, as well as economic and social historians' attempts to ...

Inter-American Development Bank

Competitiveness: The Business of Growth--Economic and Social Progress in Latin America, 2001 Report

Competing in the world economy does not automatically boost a nation's productivity and restructure its economy. Such progress requires mobilizing capital, employment, technology and knowledge. Opportunities beyond the business realm must be fully ...

Mario I. Blejer, Marko Skreb

Financial Policies in Emerging Markets

The 1994-1995 Mexican crisis was the first in a succession of financial crises to hit emerging markets in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, and Turkey. In almost all these cases, problems in the banking sector ...

Hobart McKinley, Conway

Industrial Park Growth: An Environmental Success Story (Industrial Development Site Selection Handbook)

The post WWII flowering of industrial parks is an event of great significance, not only to industry but also to society as a whole. This book studies the emergence and expansion of the park concept, describing performance standards and design ...

<<<  Peter J. Boettke. Calculation and Coordination: Essays on ...             Philip Kotler. Kotler on Marketing: How to Create, Win, and Dominate Markets >>>

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