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Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation Blues Set: The Performance Guide for Bands
The Gig Guides series is designed to provide musicians with a blueprint for building bands. We select the songs, put 'em in order, and show you how to play 'em. The format is simple; there are no unwieldy note-for-note scores to sightread or
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Reuven Brenner, Gabrielle A. Brenner Gambling and Speculation: A Theory, a History, and a Future of Some Human Decisions
Gambling and Speculation takes the long, historic perspective of its controversial subject. The book offers not only a better understanding of the recent "gambling craze," but also a fundamental inquiry into human nature and the structure of
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W. Bernard Carlson Innovation As a Social Process: Elihu Thomson and the Rise of General Electric (Studies in Economic History & Policy: USA in the Twentieth Century)
Elihu Thomson was a major American inventor of electric light and power systems. A contemporary of Thomas Edison, Thomson performed the engineering and design work necessary to make electric lighting a common product. From the 1880s to the 1930s,
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Angela Redish Bimetallism: An Economic and Historical Analysis (Studies in Macroeconomic History)
This book presents a history of Western monetary systems and explains why the system was preferred to a gold standard before 1800. Professor Redish argues that the technological ability to issue fiduciary monies, and a commitment mechanism to
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