Seth Hammer

Investments and Taxes: A Practical Guide for Financial Advisors

Designed for financial advisors, Investments and Taxes describes the tax issues associated with different investment vehicles and explains how an advisor can maximize a client's after-tax returns. Specific topics covered in the book include: ...

Allan H. Meltzer, Alan Greenspan

A History of the Federal Reserve 1913-1951

Allan H. Meltzer's monumental history of the Federal Reserve System tells the story of one of America's most influential but least understood public institutions. This first volume covers the period from the Federal Reserve's founding in 1913 ...

Joel Mokyr

The British Industrial Revolution: An Economic Perspective

In this revised edition, all chapters-including Joel Mokyr's extensive introductory survey and evaluation of research in this field-are updated to consider arguments and findings advanced since the volume's initial 1993 publication. Like its ...

Michael Alexander

The Kondratiev Cycle: A Generational Interpretation

Many authors have attempted to identify an underlying meaning or pattern to history. Arnold Toynbee wrote of 100 year cycles of war and peace that emerged after the Renaissance. Nikolai Kondratiev wrote of 50 year waves in economic life. Arthur ...

<<<  Ed Salzman. Appeal Your Property Taxes -- And ...             Philip Kotler. Kotler on Marketing: How to Create, Win, and Dominate Markets >>>

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