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Reginald Tomas Yu-Lee Explicit Cost Dynamics: An Alternative to Activity-Based Costing
GETTING TO THE BOTTOM OF THE BOTTOM LINE Traditional cost management systems typically defeat their own purpose by leading corporations to make decisions that ultimately do not optimize performance. These systems are the foundation for
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James S. Bone CPA, James Bone Property Tax California Style
California taxation of real and personal property. Written for general readers, with an introductory chapter to give the reader an overview of the system. Total of 24 chapters cover property, exemption, valuation, assessment and collection, and
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Scott E. Friedman How To Profit by Forming Your Own Limited Liability Company
Written for entrepreneurs, professional partnerships, and small business owners, this book answers the key questions about this hot opportunity for structuring a business. Limited liability companies offer business owners corporate
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James E. A. Lumley Challenge Your Taxes : Homeowner's Guide to Reducing Property Taxes
How to save hundreds?even thousands?of dollars a year in property taxes You can?t escape paying property taxes, but you can avoid paying more than you have to. This authoritative new guide explains how. Written by an experienced real
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