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Adobe Creative Team Adobe GoLive CS Classroom in a Book, Revised Edition (CLASSROOM IN A BOOK)
When you're ready to roll up your sleeves and start taking advantage of GoLive CS' powerful site management and collaboration capabilities, wireless authoring features, and dynamic database tools, it's time to get the guide from the people behind
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David Reeser Learning Adobe InDesign CS
Learning Adobe InDesign CS with David Reeser is a movie-based tutorial developed for beginning InDesign users interested in learning the basic tools and features of Adobe InDesign CS for page layout and design. Using simple step-by-step exercises,
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Jonathan Knudsen Java 2D Graphics
Featuring major improvements in Java's graphics, printing, and font rendering capabilities, the Java 2D API allows you to produce high-quality, professional images on a screen or printer. Java 2D Graphics describes the 2D API from top to
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James E. Katz, Mark Aakhus Perpetual Contact : Mobile Communication, Private Talk, Public Performance
Mobile phones affect every aspect of our personal and professional lives. They have transformed social practices and changed the way we do business, yet surprisingly little serious academic work has been done on them. This book studies the impact of
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