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Beverly West, Jason Bergund PugTherapy: Finding Happiness, One Pug at a Time
Elvis, Bert, Buddha, and Busta are four pure and not-so-purebred pugs living on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. And even though they don’t have a backyard, or even a mailman to chase, they’re enjoying a dog’s life—because
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Reed Massengill Self-Exposure : The Male Nude Self-Portrait
The nude self-portrait is perhaps the most intimate form of photography. It delves deep into taboo territory and strips away the traditional barriers between artist and viewer. Witnessing such a private act, we may feel the queasy embarrassment of a
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Lucian Niemeyer, Art Gomez New Mexico: Images Of A Land And Its People
Internationally renowned photographer Lucian Niemeyer and National Park Service historian Art GA?mez have combined talents in a new presentation on New Mexico. Niemeyer's more than 150 color photographs encompass the entire state throughout the
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David Malin, Katherine Roucoux Heaven and Earth: Unseen by the Naked Eye
Now available as a mini paperback, Heaven & Earth charts an awe-inspiring voyage of discovery through the infinite world of science - from the smallest particles on the earth's surface to tiny dots in galaxies that are light years away. Featuring
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