Jane Powell

Bungalow Details: Interior

In this follow-up to the popular Bungalow Details: Exterior, Jane Powell and Linda Svendsen go inside the bungalow, to identify and explain the wonderful details that make a bungalow authentic, from wood floor to beamed ceiling! ...

David Howard-Pitney

Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and the Civil Rights Struggle of the 1950s and 1960s: A Brief History with Documents (The Bedford Series in History and Culture)

The civil rights movement’s most prominent leaders, Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929–1968) and Malcolm X (1925–1965), represent two wings of the revolt against racism: nonviolent resistance and revolution "by any means ...

Fred S. Kleiner, Christin J. Mamiya

Gardner's Art through the Ages: A Concise History (with ArtStudy CD-ROM 2.1)

The market-leading text for the art history survey course, GARDNER'S ART THROUGH THE AGES has served as a comprehensive and thoughtfully crafted guide to the defining phases of the world's artistic tradition. The story of art unfolds in its full ...

Bernard Fibicher, Ai Weiwei, Feng Boyi

Mahjong: Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Collection

China is booming! In the wake of economic liberalization, the nation's art scene has taken flight as well. The Swiss collector Uli Sigg, formerly his country's ambassador to Beijing, has followed the rapid pace of development since the 1980s, ...

<<<  Francisco Goya. Great Goya Etchings: The Proverbs, The Tauromaquia and The ...             RenA© Daumal, Carol Cosman. Mount Analogue >>>

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