Karen Fishwick, Tony Aveyard

Lotus Notes and Domino 6 System Administrator Exam Cram 2 (620, 621, 622)

Lotus Notes and Domino 6 System Administrator Exam Cram 2 is the best exam preparation available and the only one of its type for the IBM Certified Professional exams. This book covers the three exams required to become an IBM CP. Those who are ...

Tim Duffy

Basics of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, Outlook 2000 and FrontPage 2000

Integrates textual explanation and hands-on exercises, providing a balance between real-world practice and conceptual understanding. This innovative, highly visual, project-based book features hands-on exercises that are built around a running case ...

Gini Courter, Annette Marquis

Mastering Microsoft Office 2000: Premium Edition

Written for the real Office productivity seeker, this definitive solutions-oriented reference takes you to the highest skill level. Building on the superior foundation of Mastering Office 2000, this Premium Edition delivers expanded coverage of hot ...

Reed Jacobson

Microsoft Excel 2002 Visual Basic for Applications Step by Step (Step by Step (Microsoft))

Teach yourself just what you need to know about developing with Excel Version 2002 Visual Basic for Applications. This title, aimed at beginner developers, is a teach-yourself guide to creating custom software solutions, automating tasks, and ...

<<<  Lisa Bucki. Easy Quicken 2000 (Easy ...)             Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery ... >>>

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