Carolyn Thorsen

TechTactics: Instructional Models for Educational Computing

This book describes the major educational computer applications and provides methods for using computer tools effectively in the teaching/learning process. The author focuses on the word processor, database, ...

Tony Graham

Unicode: A Primer

Whether you're a Web developer or programmer, the Unicode Standard enables consistent handling of English text, Chinese and Japanese ideographs, Korean Hanjul characters, and most other major scripts of the world -- an increasingly important ...

Vera Pless

Introduction to the Theory of Error-Correcting Codes, 3rd Edition

A complete introduction to the many mathematical tools used to solve practical problems in coding. Mathematicians have been fascinated with the theory of error-correcting codes since the publication of Shannon's classic papers fifty ...

Biswa Nath Datta

Applied and Computational Control, Signals, and Circuits

Applied and Computational Control, Signals, and Circuits: Recent Developments is an interdisciplinary book blending mathematics, computational mathematics, scientific computing and software engineering with control and systems theory, signal ...

<<<  Stuart R. Ball. Embedded Microprocessor Systems: Real ...             Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery ... >>>

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