Andrew Davison

Humour the Computer

You don't have to have a degree in computer science to enjoy this unique collection of funny stories, parodies, laughable true-life incidents, comic song lyrics, and jokey poems from the world of computing. Humour the Computer brings together a ...

Doron Peled

Software Reliability Methods (Texts in Computer Science)

This volume presents a collection of methods for dealing with software reliability. Ideally, formal methods need to be intuitive to use, require a relatively brief learning period, and incur only small overhead to the development process. This book ...

Kris Besley, Linda Goin

Learn Design with Flash MX

You are not alone. Learn Design with Flash MX employs a unique class-based approach to learning with the goal of establishing core, generic design skills. Each chapter represents a discrete lesson covering a distinct topic of design, and in each ...

Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier, Laurent Foulloy, Ronald R. Yager, L. Foulloy, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION

Intelligent Systems for Information Processing: From Representation to Applications

Hardbound. Intelligent systems are required to enhance the capacities being made available to us by the internet and other computer based technologies. The theory necessary to help providing solutions to difficult problems in the construction of ...

<<<  Stephen Solosky. Learn Windows '98             Dan L. Flores. The Retirement Revolution: A Strategic ... >>>

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