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D. C. Lee The Map-Building and Exploration Strategies of a Simple Sonar-Equipped Mobile Robot : An Experimental, Quantitative Evaluation (Distinguished Dissertations in Computer Science)
There are two radically different approaches to robot navigation: the first is to use a map of the robot's environment; the second uses a set of action reflexes to enable a robot to react rapidly to local sensory information. Hybrid approaches
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Bill Barrett, Marc A. Garrett, Michael D. Hazard, Brandon Heffernan, Lyn Wall Contribute: Hassle-Free Content Control
Macromedia's Contribute allows Web Professionals to save the time spent performing content updates, by devolving the responsibility and know-how back to the content owners. You identify which areas of which pages users are allowed to update, and
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Esther A. Williams, John Mordechai Gottman A User's Guide to the Gottman-Williams Time-Series Analysis Computer Programs for Social Scientists
Esther Williams and John Gottman describe a complete set of programs they have written in Fortran IV to enable even beginners to use all the techniques presented in John Gottman's Time-Series Analysis: A Comprehensive Introduction for Social
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Deidre Hayes Sams Teach Yourself HTML and XHTML in 10 Minutes (3rd Edition)
Sams Teach Yourself HTML & XHTML in 10 Minutes, Third Edition is a compact, task-oriented tutorial that shows the beginning Web page author how to perform the most common tasks involved in designing, creating, publishing, and
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