Jennifer A. Duffy

Microsoft Word 2002 - Illustrated Introductory

Part of the Illustrated series, this text offers a visual and flexible way to build Microsoft Word 2002 skills. ...

Rex A. Dwyer

Genomic Perl: From Bioinformatics Basics to Working Code

In this introduction to computational molecular biology, Rex Dwyer explains many basic computational problems and gives concise, working programs to solve them in the Perl programming language. With minimal prerequisites, he covers the biological ...

Jerry D. Gibson, Toby Berger

Digital Compression for Multimedia : Principles & Standards (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Multimedia Information and Systems)

Drawing on their experience in industry, research, and academia, this powerful author team combines their expertise to provide an accessible guide to data compression standards and techniques and their applications. The essential ideas and ...

Christopher Wehner

Screenwriting on the Internet: Researching, Writing and Selling Your Script on the Web

Screenwriting On The Web offers step-by-step instruction on how to enter and succeed in the screenwriting world. All aspects of the industry and procedures are covered in this comprehensive guide to Hollywood stardom, from how to write a screenplay, ...

<<<  Nevio Benvenuto, Giovanni Cherubini. Algorithms for ...             Dan L. Flores. The Retirement Revolution: A Strategic ... >>>

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